[Tools] Visual Recon - A beginners guide
📖Intro 📖
During the process of RECON you often get thousands of domains you have to look at. A suitable way to decrease the time you spend on each website is to take a screenshot of each website. There are several tools available such as EyeWitness (https://github.com/ChrisTruncer/EyeWitness) or ScreenShotter (https://github.com/BladeMight/ScreenShotter). Unfortunately, I had issues setting them up the way I wanted, so I created a little workflow which will use WebScreenshot, Aquatone and express-photo-gallery to quickly identify your attack-surface.
If you are into Recon and automation, you should definitely check out Nahamsec’s tool LazyRecon (https://github.com/nahamsec/lazyrecon/blob/master/lazyrecon.sh)
The way we will do it is to setup a virtual server, gather subdomains using aquatone-discover, scan the subdomains for open ports on 443 and 80 using aquatone-scan take a screenshot using WebScreenshot and finally create thumbnails using epg-prep and display them in a nice way using the node tool express-photo-gallery.
The following GIF shows the actual result, cool right?
đź’§Setting up a Digitalocean VPSđź’§:
For the Setup I am using a cheap VPS system from Digitalocean.
The easiest operating system for me was Ubuntu together with a 1GB of memory, one vCPU and 25GB of SSD Disk. This should be more than enough for the task.
For the region I always chose the one thats closest to my physical location to avoid latencies, (in my case Frankfurt is the closest location)
I like to add IPv6 support to my droplets to have a better coverage of IPv4 and IPv6 targets, for the authentication i use my SSH keys (who remembers Passwords anyways?)
So the first step after deploying your machine is to log in using SSH:
`ssh root@yourip`, after this you want to install all the following necessary tools (see bottom). After you’ve installed all the necessary tools we can go ahead and start our visual recon process. For this example we will be using the domain uber.com you can find their bug bounty program here: https://hackerone.com/uber.
To start we first run aquatone (https://github.com/michenriksen/aquatone/) to identify potential subdomains, to do so: `aquatone-discover -d uber.com` , you should see an output similar to this:
once the script has finished enumerating the subdomains, we need to identify whether the subdomains have a web server running, while it is possible that there could be a webserver on a different port, for this blog we will only focus on the ones running on port 443 and 80. To do the actual scan we use the aquatone-scan, with `Â aquatone-scan -d uber.com -t 30 -p small` (where -t is defining the Threads used, and -p is the amount of ports used, small does only look for port 80 and 443.)
Now that we have identified all the open ports of the assets we can now go ahead and run Webscreenshot. It is possible to create screenshots with Aquatone too (using aquatone-gather) however, I wasn’t able to set it up properly on a VPS system, as such I am doing this with WebScreenshot. To do so we use the command `webscreenshot -i /root/aquatone/uber.com/urls.txt -o uber.com` this command tells webscreenshot to grab the list of urls created by aquatone and take a screenshot of each available domain inside the uber.com
This will likely take some time. If you have a unstable internet connection, I recommend running this in a so called screen
session. Screen allows you to run a script in a separate process and lets you detach it and return to it again. To do so run screen -R uber
and press str+a+d
to detach from the window. To return you simply type screen -r uber
Once this is done, we use a tool called epg-prep (https://www.npmjs.com/package/epg-prep) to create thumbnails to do so, simply run: `epg-prep uber.com`
This will allow us to view the created pictures using express-photo-gallery.
In a final step, use the express-gallery-script from the bottom of this blogpost and save it as yourname.js
. All you need to do is to change the folder name inside the script: app.use('/photos', Gallery('uber.com', options));
the folder name in this case is set uber.com
but depending on which target you look at it may be different. Once you’ve done that you can simply run the script using node yourname.js
. This will create a webserver listening on Port 3000 with an endpoint called /photos
. So to access this you simply type: http://yourserverip:3000/photos
to get a nice overview of the subdomains you have enumerated. You can easily switch the photos by pressing the left or right arrow on your keyboard. At the bottom you will see a summary of all the screenshots that have been taken.
The next section will include all the necessary tools and software used in this blogpost, it should be enough to simply copy + paste those in your SSH session.
System Tools
apt update && apt upgrade curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_6.x | sudo -E bash - apt install -y git wget python python-pip phantomjs xvfb screen slurm gem phantomjs imagemagick graphicsmagick nodejs
Requirements for WebScreenshot
pip install webscreenshot pip install selenium
Requirements for express-photo-gallery
sudo npm install -g npm npm install express-photo-gallery npm install express npm install -g epg-prep
Requirements for Aquatone
git clone https://github.com/michenriksen/aquatone.git cd aquatone/ gem install aquatone
express-photo-gallery Script
var express = require('express'); var app = express(); var Gallery = require('express-photo-gallery'); var options = { title: 'My Awesome Photo Gallery' }; app.use('/photos', Gallery('uber.com', options)); app.listen(3000);
Easy right?
🙂 If you have any problems, feel free to reach out on twitter (@itsecurityguard) or hit me up on Bug Bounty Forum (https://bugbountyforum.com/)
So long,